Facial Workshops

  • Skin Nutrition

    In this course, we delve into the intricate relationship between nutrition and skin health, drawing from both ancient teachings and modern scientific evidence. Guided by Hippocrates' enduring wisdom, "Let food be thy medicine," we will uncover how specific nutrients impact skin's vitality and appearance.

    We will explore the role of essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids in maintaining healthy skin, emphasizing how deficiencies can lead to conditions such as dry skin, acne, and dermatitis. Special attention will be given to the connection between gut health and these skin conditions, demonstrating how imbalances in the gut microbiome can trigger or exacerbate skin issues.

    This course blends clinical insights with holistic principles, providing a comprehensive understanding of how targeted nutritional strategies can support advanced skin conditions and promote overall skin wellness.

    Launching Soon.

  • The NeuroGlow® Method

    NeuroGlow® represents a delicate interplay between science and sensorial touch, a philosophy that transcends traditional skincare practice.

    Designed to engage the somatic nervous system - a complex network that governs our conscious perception and voluntary movement. Through intentional, precise touch, NeuroGlow® activates this system, initiating the release of neuropeptides, potent molecular messengers that communicate seamlessly between the brain and skin.

    These neuropeptides play a pivotal role in moderating inflammation, mitigating stress responses, and fostering a state of homeostasis, where both skin and spirit find repose.

    Launching Soon.

  • Ageing Well: Menopause

    We delve into the ways hormonal changes affect your skin and overall wellbeing during this transformative phase of life. It is a privilege to be part of this journey, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

    In this workshop, you will discover how menopause can influence your skin’s texture, elasticity, and hydration. We will share insights into managing these changes with effective skincare routines and holistic wellness practices tailored to your needs.

    Join us to learn how to nurture your skin and enhance your well-being as you navigate through menopause. Embrace this natural transition with confidence and grace, supported by personalised care and expert advice.

    Launching Soon.