Level up your Facial skills

  • The Sculptural Buccal Technique®

    Auckland | November 3rd & 4th


    Join the next generation of preventative & corrective, non-invasive facelifting. Dive deeper into this incredible technique to attract new clients, increase profits and set yourself apart.

    No product, injectable, laser, or machine can replace the effects of hands & massage on the skin. 

    BONUS // Discover our exclusive science-backed, NeuroGlow® philosophies and treatment protocol. Unveil how the power of high touch and specialised massage can influence your biochemistry.

    Learn More

  • Advanced Sculptural Buccal Technique® Training

    Auckland | October 14th

    Auckland | November 11th

    $999 +GST

    This one-day advanced masterclass is exclusively designed for practitioners who have already completed Buccal Massage training and are looking to refine and elevate their expertise.

    The session dives deeper into advanced Sculptural Buccal techniques, enhancing your ability to deliver more precise facial sculpting, toning, and contouring from within the mouth.

    Join us for a focused day of skill refinement and take your Buccal Massage practice to the next level.


  • The Facial Masterclass

    Coming soon...